马上申请 和 请求的信息 从下午5点开始就没空了吗.m. 9月27日到晚上8点.m. 9月28日由于定期维修.
的 圣母大学校园安全学系 是否以社区为导向,并致力于我们所服务的不同人群. 通过方济会修士 values, it is our mission to maintain a safe 和 inviting campus for people to learn, 拜访和生活. 同时注重尊严、尊重和服务,并尊重他人 我们的目标是与我们所服务的社区融为一体. 我们承诺 to delivering professional safety 和 security services that value 和 respect the 我们校园社区所有成员的权利和差异. 作为我们的象征 诚信和信任,我们将意识到,并将使用适当的道德十大赌博正规平台在线时 履行我们的公务. 我们致力于专业和个性化 development of all members of the 校园安全处 和 in turn expect all 让我们的员工成为优秀的榜样.
Madonna University promotes a safe 和 secure environment in which all community members 能生活、能学习、能工作吗. 安全是大家共同努力的结果 学生、教职员工和其他社区成员.
的 Madonna University Parking Policies 和 Traffic Regulations have been designed to facilitate the safe 和 orderly flow of traffic, to provide maximum use of parking 地段,允许紧急车辆通行,并促进行人、骑自行车者、 车辆安全.
停车场可供租用. 访问 商务办公/设施租赁 了解更多信息.
Silent Witness is a program to allow for the anonymous submission of suspected criminal 或者校园里发生的可疑活动. 提交的信息将被审查 我们的调查人员将采取适当的行动. 如果你 see crime or suspicious activity occurring on campus 和 you would like to report 请填写下面的表格.
(注意:此信息不会立即发送给校园安全人员. 任何犯罪 正在进行或其他紧急情况应通过拨打734-432-5442或911报告)
你知道“看见什么说什么”活动吗? 通过保持警惕和报告 suspicious activity to 校园安全 or local law enforcement you can help protect 你的家人、朋友、邻居和社区. 点击下面看一个简短的视频 国土安全部.
To be completed by those individuals identified as “Campus Security Authorities” who are required to report information they receive about specified crimes pursuant to the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy 和 Campus Crime Statistics 法案(明文法案).
的 operating hours of the Academic 和 Residence Buildings of Madonna University
主教学楼 和 方济会的中心 (36600年Schoolcraft Road) is open to the public during the following days 和 hours:
表演艺术、体育和十大赌博正规平台在线中心 (新堡道14680号)
十大赌博正规平台在线运动中心 (纽堡道15090号)
何谓适时警告? In compliance with the “Timely Warning” provisions of the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy 和 Crime Statistics Act (的 Clery Act), Madonna University issues timely warnings to the entire campus community when there is information that a Clery Act Crime has occurred on or near the University that is considered by the 对校园社区构成严重或持续威胁的机构.
校园安全主任或指定人员,与大学高年级学生协商 leadership, makes the decision whether to issue a timely warning on a case-by-case 根据有关该事件的所有事实. 适时发出警告 as soon as possible after the 校园安全处 is notified however, the release of the warning is subject to the availability of accurate facts concerning 这一事件.
Timely warnings include information that promote safety 和 would aid in the prevention 类似罪行,包括但不限于:
适时发出警告 to the University community through one or more electronic communications, including, but not limited to: university e-mail, the University website, 以及校园安全部门的大规模通知系统Rave Alert.
Throughout Madonna University you will find Life Safety Equipment 和 Information. Safety Information 地图 are posted within the University buildings (near intersecting 走廊). 这些地图显示了消防站的位置,当消防站被激活时,就会发出声音 发生火警时发出的警报器. 灭火器的位置如下 以及自动体外除颤器(AED)都列在这些地图上. 此外, the locations of Emergency Exits 和 Severe Weather Shelter areas are listed on the 地图. It is important to know the location(s) of your closest safety equipment, emergency 紧急情况前的出口和避难所.
To see a copy of the Safety Information Map for your building, Click on the Building
Follow this link for a short video on correct procedures when utilizing a portable 灭火器.
MUBIT is a multidisciplinary team that meets regularly to serve five major functions 对于大学来说:
的 overall goal of the Behavior Intervention Plan is to promote a safe environment 为全体学生和教职工关注学生的学习和学生的发展. By encouraging all members of the campus community to report 行为s that are concerning, MUBIT will be able to reach out to intervene, provide support 和 connect them with 可以帮助他们的资源. 因此,MUBIT要求校园社区报告 十大赌博正规平台在线“危险信号”行为.
A “red flag” 行为 is a questionable, concerning or inappropriate 行为 that may be presented through someone’s appearance, spoken or written words, or specific 行动. “危险信号”行为的例子包括但不限于:
遇险的人可以通过发电子邮件被转介 mubit@cariprojectgroup.com,拨打734432-5442
Madonna University is committed to educating the campus community 和 the public on 如何查阅登记性犯罪者的资料. 此信息可能 可通过密歇根州警方网站访问 http://www.michigan.gov/msp/.
Madonna University is committed to providing a safe 和 secure campus environment 为所有的学生,教师,员工,校友和客人. 根据 requirements of the “Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy 和 Campus Crime Statistics Act” (Clery Act), Madonna University publishes an Annual Security 和 Fire Safety Report to provide information regarding campus safety 和 security policies 和 procedures, crime statistics, 和 resources to current 和 prospective 学生和员工.
的 2024年度保安及消防安全报告 可以在上面找到吗 校园安全处的网站.
Paper copies of the 2024年度保安及消防安全报告 may be obtained at 以下是主要的校园位置:
校园安全处 –
Rm. 127大学中心
学生办公室主任 –
Rm. 1103行政大楼
人力资源 –
Rm. 行政大楼2200
第九条协调员办公室 –
Rm. 1103行政大楼
如果你 would like to receive a paper copy of the report, you may visit any of these 办公室. 此外,您可以通过联系,要求通过电子邮件发送副本给您 通过电子邮件发送到校园安全部门 campussafety@cariprojectgroup.com,或致电734-432-5442.
This information is required by law 和 provided as a collaborative effort between 圣母大学的各个系.